Adventure Catechism Lesson 31 - What is the Mass?
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Fill In The Blanks
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- Total Attempts: 0
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- Blanks Remaining : 7
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Fill In The Blanks
- 1.
The two main parts of the Mass are the Liturgy of the {{2fill}} and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
- 2.
We ask forgiveness for our sins during the {{2fill}} Act.
- 3.
We stand when we listen to the {{2fill}}.
- 4.
The {{2fill}} is the prayer that states the basic beliefs of our Faith.
- 5.
• After the consecration of the Eucharist, we pray the {{2fill}}.
- 6.
We receive Jesus in the Eucharist during {{2fill}}
- 7.
The word Eucharist means {{2fill}}.
Answer Options
Answer Options
- Creed
- Gospel
- Meal
- Confessional
- Hail Mary
- Word
- Thanksgiving
- Holy Communion
- Scripture
- Our Father
- Penitential
- First Reading